Friday, January 02, 2009

Conscious Language

I have been home from my instructor training in Conscious Langauge now for almost a month and focusing on my language and the conscious use of every word.   Conscious Language from, taught by Robert Tennyson Stevens is a system.  Often, a simple shift of a few words is all it takes to change your/our whole world.  

Did you know that each time you say, "I want" or "I need" that you are focusing on lack?  When you say "I want, you are in effect saying "I don't have this."  "I need" works the same way by saying, "This is not in my life."  By changing the words "I want" or "I need" to "I choose", "I create," or "I have," brings positive reinforcement to your subconscious.  

"I AM" is one of the most powerful statements you can say to connect yourself to the Source of All That Is.  God within you.  By using I AM statements, manifestation results in positive changes you choose to have happen in your life. 

Start now to use and make statements with the following words and manifest changes in your life.

I AM...
I can...
I have...
I love...
I will...
I create...
I enjoy...

Feeling is the secret, so make these statements with true feeling and watch how quickly your heart's desire will manifest in your life.

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