Sunday, June 03, 2012

Our new Chicken Coop!

Well, we finally finished the construction of our new chicken coop.  The girls are  now 12 weeks old and they have been in their new home for about 2 weeks. 

I think they are really happy.  They finally discovered the perch boxes inside and slept there last night for the first time.  I was so happy because before that, they were all huddled up in one of the nest boxes, on top of each other and very crowded.  I was a bit concerned about that, but finally they figured out there were perches inside and now they sleep there, all snuggled up.
Chickens are such fun.  I love my chickens!  I look forward to eggs later in the summer.


Unknown said...

Barbara, I love your coop and run! I want it! Did you have plans for the run or did you come up with that. I would love to buy the plans to that run if they're out there somewhere.


Unknown said...
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Barbara said...

You can purchase the plans from That's where I bought them. Thanks for the comments.

Cathy H. said...

Do you have plans for the walk-in run portion? This is beautiful!!

Unknown said...


Barbara said...

Thanks for all the lovely comments on my coop. I do not have any plans for the run portion. I made them up as I was building. Not too difficult though and if you can follow the plans for the coop itself, you can easily come up with a run that suits your needs too!

Unknown said...


I just wanted to let you know that your coop inspired my wife, and I am currently building our own coop and run with yours as a kind of template!

Thank you for the inspiration!

Barbara said...

Thanks so much. I'm glad to be an inspiration!